C.J. Williams

Archive for the ‘Submissions’ Category

Submissions Open Until 1 May 2021

In Submissions on April 8, 2021 at 5:51 pm

Shiki’s Strings and Small Things will accept submissions for the Spring volume, themed on green, green, green (however you’d like to take that) until the end of August.

We invite all potential contributors to visit the submissions page.

Submissions Still Open! Lilting Things, Fall/Winter Issue

In Submissions on December 29, 2013 at 12:25 am

As we finagle and fritter at securing a print edition for our upcoming issue, we are still accepting submissions! This naturally includes all categories, from fiction and poetry, to quick quips and editorials. Kindly query if your submission exceeds 5,000 words.

Otherwise, STaST staff await your forays into the literary fray with utmost expectation.

Yours in small things,

STaST Editing Staff

Submission Guidelines

In Submissions on August 12, 2011 at 2:53 am

Shiki’s Strings & Small Things accepts short stories, short editorial, opinion or personal essays; poetry; and linguistic gymnastics.

We enjoy Fairy Tales, under the umbrella of Tolkien’s study and wonder in his essay On Fairy Stories.  But any good yarn can catch our eye–Dickensian, gritty, whimsical, and onward. We look for a strong voice, a solid wonder, and humour. Let your love of words show, and tell us a tale.

Currently, in fiction, we accept nothing over 6,000 words.

Poetry may be narrative or epic, or meditative, image-laced. Kindly nothing book-length.

Opinion, personal essay or editorial may encompass the minutiae of syntactical development in Russian, to current events, to book reviews or interviews. Query if you are unsure of whether your piece fits.

Submit all manuscripts in the body of an email. No attachments will be accepted at this time. Please specify which category your submission falls under within the title of your email, and give us your name, a brief background and / or how you found us before the beginning of your piece.

No payment but publication will be made until we have grown, but within the year that will have changed as the journal grows.

Address submissions to CJ Williams, or Staff at Shiki’s Strings.  Email: shikis_strings.smallthings@yahoo.com

Yours ‘in scriptore’,

Staff of STaST